2023-06-26 Special Board Meeting
Published by CLPropertyOwners on
2023-06-26 Special Board Meeting
Important Notice - Insufficient Notice of a Board Meeting
The Board only provided 2 hours and 24 minutes notice for this Special Board Meeting. And no agenda was provided for this meeting. CCIOA States that for "All regular and special meetings of the association's executive board ... Electronic notice of a special meeting shall be given as soon as possible but at least twenty-four hours before the meeting." [Colorado Revised Statute 2022: 38-33.3-308 Meetings (2)(a) through (2)(b)(I)] Had this been a Special Board Work Session, it would still be a meeting of the association's executive board, and it would still require at least 24 hours notice to the Members.
View the Agenda
No agenda was provided for this Special Board Meeting
View the Meeting Minutes
Minutes from Board meetings are not available until after the next Board Meeting.
View the Transcript
The corrected transcript is not available at this time. The automated transcript and closed captioning created by YouTube are available while watching the recording. Most of the automated transcript will be accurate. However, some pieces will have incorrect words.
Topics Discussed in the Meeting
Insurance, CDs