2024-02-20 Finance Committee Meeting

2024-02-20 Finance Committee Meeting

View the Agenda

There are no published agendas for Committee meetings

View the Meeting Minutes

There are no published meeting minutes for Committee meetings

View the Transcript

After multiple requests from CLRRA Members over the last couple of years, the Board of Directors has agreed to turn on the live Closed Captioning and Transcribing that is freely provided within Zoom meetings. As Zoom's live Closed Captioning is more accurate than YouTube, the Zoom Closed Captioning will be displayed in the recorded meetings.

Topics Discussed in the Meeting


2024-02-17 Board Meeting

2024-02-17 Board Meeting

Important Notice - Early Adjournment

The Board Meeting was adjourned early. No agenda was provided prior to the meeting. CCIOA and our Governing Documents require that agendas be made reasonably available to all members. The Board discussed and consented that, for our community, having the agenda available in the room during the meeting did not meet the requirement for all members of the community. As such, the Board determined that no business could be conducted in the meeting. The Board elected to adjourn the meeting and change the upcoming 2024-03-07 Board Work Session at 7pm into a formal Board Meeting with the ability to vote and conduct business.

Additional Information

CLRRA Conduct of Meetings Policy
Section 3, sub-section 3.3
“Agendas for meetings of the Board shall be made reasonably available for examination by all Members of the Association or their representatives.”

Section 38-33.3-308, sub-section (2)(a)
“…Agendas for meetings of the executive board shall be made reasonably available for examination by all members of the association or their representatives.”

Altitude Community Law
"An agenda is a list of items to be considered, discussed, or decided at a meeting. The agenda is intended to give notice to the possible attendees of the issues to be discussed and voted upon at the upcoming meeting. This allows interested individuals an opportunity to attend meetings and hear and/or participate in various discussions and votes on matters of interest to them.
Agendas for meetings of the executive board are required to be made “reasonably available” for examination by all members of the association. This typically means, copies of the board meeting agendas should be brought to such meetings and provided to owners who attend."

View the Agenda

No agenda was provided for this meeting.

View the Meeting Minutes

Minutes from Board meetings are not available until after the next Board Meeting. 

View the Transcript

After multiple requests from CLRRA Members over the last couple of years, the Board of Directors has agreed to turn on the live Closed Captioning and Transcribing that is freely provided within Zoom meetings. As Zoom's live Closed Captioning is more accurate than YouTube, the Zoom Closed Captioning will be displayed in the recorded meetings.

Topics Discussed in the Meeting

Selders Causeway Update, Member Forum, Agenda, Special Assessment

2024-02-15 Budget Meeting

2024-02-15 Budget Meeting

Additional Information

Finance Committee Presentation to the Board of Directors with Budget Discussion

View the Agenda

There are no agendas for Work Sessions

View the Meeting Minutes

There are no meeting minutes for Work Sessions

View the Transcript

As Zoom's live Closed Captioning is more accurate than YouTube, the Zoom Closed Captioning will be displayed in the recorded meetings. In YouTube you can click "Show Transcript" to see YouTube's auto-generated transcript.

Topics Discussed in the Meeting


2024-02-01 Board Work Session

2024-02-01 Board Work Session

View the Agenda

There are no agendas for Work Sessions

View the Meeting Minutes

There are no meeting minutes for Work Sessions

View the Transcript

After multiple requests from CLRRA Members over the last couple of years, the Board of Directors has agreed to turn on the live Closed Captioning and Transcribing that is freely provided within Zoom meetings. As Zoom's live Closed Captioning is more accurate than YouTube, the Zoom Closed Captioning will be displayed in the recorded meetings.

Topics Discussed in the Meeting

Budget, Property Owner Forum

2024-01-25 Budget Meeting

2024-01-25 Budget Meeting

View the Agenda

There are no official Agendas for Town Halls

View the Meeting Minutes

There are no official Minutes for Town Halls

View the Transcript

As Zoom's live Closed Captioning is more accurate than YouTube, the Zoom Closed Captioning will be displayed in the recorded meetings. In YouTube you can click "Show Transcript" to see YouTube's auto-generated transcript.

Topics Discussed in the Meeting


2024-01-20 Board Meeting

2024-01-20 Board Meeting

View the Meeting Minutes

Minutes from Board meetings are not available until after the next Board Meeting. 

View the Transcript

After multiple requests from CLRRA Members over the last couple of years, the Board of Directors has agreed to turn on the live Closed Captioning and Transcribing that is freely provided within Zoom meetings. As Zoom's live Closed Captioning is more accurate than YouTube, the Zoom Closed Captioning will be displayed in the recorded meetings.

Topics Discussed in the Meeting

2024-01-16 Finance Committee

2024-01-16 Finance Committee Meeting

View the Agenda

There are no published agendas for Committee meetings

View the Meeting Minutes

There are no published meeting minutes for Committee meetings

View the Transcript

After multiple requests from CLRRA Members over the last couple of years, the Board of Directors has agreed to turn on the live Closed Captioning and Transcribing that is freely provided within Zoom meetings. As Zoom's live Closed Captioning is more accurate than YouTube, the Zoom Closed Captioning will be displayed in the recorded meetings.

Topics Discussed in the Meeting

Budget, 2024 Finance Committee Survey

2024-01-11 Board Work Session

2024-01-11 Board Work Session

Additional Information

The General Manager clarified the "Open" light on at Base Camp. The light is on to inform the mail and delivery people that someone is present to accept items. Members still need to call the Office to schedule a time to come in and meet with Office Staff.

A Board Member stated that only the Board President and General Manager are allowed to speak to the attorney. And the information from the attorney is not being properly disseminated to the other Board Members.

Small Claims Court Clarification: In small claims court, attorneys are prohibited unless the defendant chooses to use an attorney. The Board Treasurer confirmed that the Board made the decision to use an attorney in small claims court. That decision is why the association had to pay attorney fees even though they were just in small claims court.

During the Base Camp Security meeting on 2023-12-28, the Board President stated that the General Manager was choked during the Base Camp incident on 2023-12-08. In this Board Meeting, the General Manager stated that she was not choked. She was shoved twice. And a member of the Road Crew was shoved to the ground.

New Property Owner Forum Procedure: The end of the Work Session was set aside for Property Owner questions and comments, as well as answers from the Board.

A Property Owner stated that Alternative Dispute Resolution meetings (ADRs) need to have a neutral third party mediator, because the previous Board Vice President stated that the Board has already made a decision and will not change it.

A Property Owner voiced concerns that the Association publicly commenting on ongoing court cases and people’s mental state might open the Association to future litigation.

A Property Owner voiced concern about the Board not answering emails. The Board Vice President stated that the Board would answer all emails that are deemed as business appropriate. The Board Vice President again stated that Board Members are busy and are unpaid volunteers.

View the Agenda

There are no agendas for Work Sessions

View the Meeting Minutes

There are no meeting minutes for Work Sessions

View the Transcript

After multiple requests from CLRRA Members over the last couple of years, the Board of Directors has agreed to turn on the live Closed Captioning and Transcribing that is freely provided within Zoom meetings. As Zoom's live Closed Captioning is more accurate than YouTube, the Zoom Closed Captioning will be displayed in the recorded meetings.

Topics Discussed in the Meeting

ADR, Base Camp, Legal, Security

2024-01-09 Finance Committee

2024-01-09 Finance Committee Meeting

Additional Information

Discussion on upcoming Board Survey about Memberships views on budget and dues increases.
Decided to use Google Forms to utilize "one lot/one vote" limit.
Treasurer stated that one Road Crew employee will be retiring at the end of May.

View the Agenda

There are no published agendas for Committee meetings

View the Meeting Minutes

There are no published meeting minutes for Committee meetings

View the Transcript

After multiple requests from CLRRA Members over the last couple of years, the Board of Directors has agreed to turn on the live Closed Captioning and Transcribing that is freely provided within Zoom meetings. As Zoom's live Closed Captioning is more accurate than YouTube, the Zoom Closed Captioning will be displayed in the recorded meetings.

Topics Discussed in the Meeting

Budget, 2024 Finance Committee Survey

2023-12-18 Finance Committee

2023-12-18 Finance Committee Meeting

Additional Information

Current expenditures, postage and collection costs are high.
Employee budget is on track.
Equipment maintenance is very high.
A former CLRRA president presented that unused, dedicated road improvement money from 2013-14 was moved into operating reserves. It was not used for road improvement and was not refunded to members. The committee will research these funds.

View the Agenda

There are no published agendas for Committee meetings

View the Meeting Minutes

There are no published meeting minutes for Committee meetings

View the Transcript

After multiple requests from CLRRA Members over the last couple of years, the Board of Directors has agreed to turn on the live Closed Captioning and Transcribing that is freely provided within Zoom meetings. As Zoom's live Closed Captioning is more accurate than YouTube, the Zoom Closed Captioning will be displayed in the recorded meetings.

Topics Discussed in the Meeting

Budget, Heavy Equipment Repair, Dedicated Road Improvement Fund