2023-12-16 Board Meeting

2023-12-16 Board Meeting

Additional Information

The Property Owner Forum portion of the meeting was changed to 15 minutes total.
One property owner stated that the Board President admitted to deleting all emails from this property owner.
One property owner stated he witnessed a property owner verbally attack another property owner in a Board Meeting. And the Board did not properly address the issue which could open the Association up to future litigation.
One property owner stated that the Board allowed another owner to attack their reputation during a Board Meeting. But that owner was not allowed to respond and protect their reputation.

View the Meeting Minutes

Minutes from Board meetings are not available until after the next Board Meeting. 

View the Transcript

After multiple requests from CLRRA Members over the last couple of years, the Board of Directors has agreed to turn on the live Closed Captioning and Transcribing that is freely provided within Zoom meetings. As Zoom's live Closed Captioning is more accurate than YouTube, the Zoom Closed Captioning will be displayed in the recorded meetings.

Topics Discussed in the Meeting

Snowplow Policy, Selders Causeway

Special Notice

2023-12-08 Special Notice

Important Notice - Incident at Base Camp

Today a Special Weekly View was sent to residents that stated, “Base Camp was attacked today by a disgruntled person. Damage to property has occurred, all staff are ok. Base Camp and all activities are closed today and tomorrow.”

We are deeply concerned to hear of this incident, and grateful that all staff are ok, per the announcement. As we stated in June, we are vehemently against any threatening or violent behavior toward anyone. We strive in our communications to be factual and professional. It is our goal to provide as much information as we can to our community to increase participation through informed voting. Voting is the way to enact change. There is no place in our community for violent, threatening, or hate-driven rhetoric or actions. We do not condone any uncivil or unlawful behavior.

Topics Discussed in the Meeting

Threat, Incident, Base Camp

2023-11-28 Finance Committee

2023-11-28 Finance Committee Meeting

View the Agenda

There are no published agendas for Committee meetings

View the Meeting Minutes

There are no published meeting minutes for Committee meetings

View the Transcript

After multiple requests from CLRRA Members over the last couple of years, the Board of Directors has agreed to turn on the live Closed Captioning and Transcribing that is freely provided within Zoom meetings. As Zoom's live Closed Captioning is more accurate than YouTube, the Zoom Closed Captioning will be displayed in the recorded meetings.

Topics Discussed in the Meeting


2023-11-18 Board Meeting

2023-11-18 Board Meeting

Important Notice - Redactions

During the Three-Minute Property Owners Forum portion of the meeting, a property owner provided excerpts from old meeting minutes. His comments seemed to apply his own interpretation of those minutes by imparting personal judgement and inferring improper intention by another property owner.

Some of the comments made have been interpreted as potentially slanderous in nature. And as such, to limit liability of this site, the comments containing unsubstantiated allegations and any reference to the targeted property owner’s name have been redacted.

While we strive to provide the Crystal Lakes Property Owners with as much information as possible, we do not feel that sharing personal attacks is appropriate.

The Board of Directors also recorded this meeting. Please contact them if you need to view the unredacted portions of this property owner’s commentary.

View the Meeting Minutes

Minutes from Board meetings are not available until after the next Board Meeting. 

View the Transcript

After multiple requests from CLRRA Members over the last nineteen months, the Board of Directors has agreed to turn on the live Closed Captioning and Transcribing that is freely provided within Zoom meetings. As Zoom's live Closed Captioning is more accurate than YouTube, the Zoom Closed Captioning will be displayed in the recorded meetings.

Topics Discussed in the Meeting

2023-11-09 Special Board Meeting

2023-11-09 Special Board Meeting

Additional Information

This Special Board Meeting was called "to immediately enter into an Executive Session to discuss current legal and personnel matters."

View the Agenda

As this meeting was for Executive Session, no agenda was published publicly.

View the Meeting Minutes

Minutes from Board meetings are not available until after the next Board Meeting. 

View the Transcript

After multiple requests from CLRRA Members over the last eighteen months, the Board of Directors has agreed to turn on the live Closed Captioning and Transcribing that is freely provided within Zoom meetings. As Zoom's live Closed Captioning is more accurate than YouTube, the Zoom Closed Captioning will be displayed in the recorded meetings.

Topics Discussed in the Meeting

Executive Session, Repair of the Loader, Repair of the 143H Grader

2023-11-04 Fireside Chat

2023-11-04 Fireside Chat

Additional Information

What is a Fireside Chat? A Fireside Chat is an unofficial, in-person gathering of Owners and Board Members. The purpose of Fireside Chats is to allow for an unofficial dialogue between Owners and Board Members. Owners have the opportunity to ask questions of, and provide feedback to, Board Members in an informal and unofficial setting.

Topics Discussed in the Chat


2023-11-02 Board Work Session

2023-11-02 Board Work Session

Additional Information

This Board Work Session focused on discussions with the Road Committee.

View the Agenda

Work Session agendas are not published by the Board.

View the Meeting Minutes

Work Session minutes are not maintained and published by the Board.

View the Transcript

After multiple requests from CLRRA Members over the last eighteen months, the Board of Directors has agreed to turn on the live Closed Captioning and Transcribing that is freely provided within Zoom meetings. As Zoom's live Closed Captioning is more accurate than YouTube, the Zoom Closed Captioning will be displayed in the recorded meetings.

Topics Discussed in the Meeting


2023-11-02 Alternative Dispute Resolution

2023-11-02 Alternative Dispute Resolution

Additional Information

What is an Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) meeting? From time to time, disputes may arise between the Association, the Board, or agent of the Association and an owner or resident. This policy commits the parties in any such dispute to work together in an attempt to resolve the dispute without litigation in order to facilitate the prompt resolution of such disputes in a manner that respects and builds upon the relationships between the parties.

View the Agenda

There are no agendas for ADRs

View the Meeting Minutes

There are no meeting minutes for ADRs

View the Transcript

After multiple requests from CLRRA Members over the last eighteen months, the Board of Directors has agreed to turn on the live Closed Captioning and Transcribing that is freely provided within Zoom meetings. As Zoom's live Closed Captioning is more accurate than YouTube, the Zoom Closed Captioning will be displayed in the recorded meetings.

Topics Discussed in the Meeting


2023-10-25 Finance Committee

2023-10-25 Finance Committee Meeting

View the Agenda

There are no published agendas for Committee meetings

View the Meeting Minutes

There are no published meeting minutes for Committee meetings

View the Transcript

After multiple requests from CLRRA Members over the last eighteen months, the Board of Directors has agreed to turn on the live Closed Captioning and Transcribing that is freely provided within Zoom meetings. As Zoom's live Closed Captioning is more accurate than YouTube, the Zoom Closed Captioning will be displayed in the recorded meetings.

Topics Discussed in the Meeting


2023-10-21 23-24 Budget Member Meeting

2023-10-21 23-24 Budget Member Meeting

Additional Information

Access to the Zoom meeting was not granted to all Members at the beginning of the meeting. As such, approximately eleven minutes at the beginning of the meeting was not available to all members and was not able to be recorded.

View the Agenda

No formal agenda was provided. The purpose of the meeting is to discuss the 2023-2024 budget that was approved by the Board of Directors.

View the Meeting Minutes

Minutes from Board meetings are not available until after the next Board Meeting. 

View the Transcript

After multiple requests from CLRRA Members over the last eighteen months, the Board of Directors has agreed to turn on the live Closed Captioning and Transcribing that is freely provided within Zoom meetings. As Zoom's live Closed Captioning is more accurate than YouTube, the Zoom Closed Captioning will be displayed in the recorded meetings.

Topics Discussed in the Meeting

2023-24 Approved Budget