2023-06-01 Board Work Session
Important Notice
This Board Work Session discusses threats and harassment. We are vehemently against any threatening behavior toward anyone. We strive in our communications to be factual and professional. It is our goal to provide as much information as we can to our community to increase participation through informed voting. Voting is the way to enact change. There is no place in our community for threatening, racially motivated, bigoted, or hate-driven rhetoric or actions. We do not condone any uncivil or unlawful behavior.
View the Counting Committee Charter
The Counting Committee Charter states: 1) The Counting Committee Chair and Vice-Chair have the authority to open the Ballot Box. 2) Only members of the Committee are authorized to touch the ballots. 3) Committee volunteers shall not be Board members or CLRRA staff and must not be candidates.
View the Agenda
Work Session agendas are not published by the Board.
View the Meeting Minutes
Work Session minutes are not maintained and published by the Board.
View the Transcript
The corrected transcript is not available at this time. The automated transcript and closed captioning created by YouTube are available while watching the recording. Most of the automated transcript will be accurate. However, some pieces will have incorrect words.
Topics Discussed in the Meeting
ACC, Annual Meeting, Ballot Box, Ballot Counting, Ballots, Basecamp, Campground, Harassment, Heavy Equipment, Hidden Park, Open Space Conservancy, Threat