2024-07-20 Board Meeting

2024-07-20 Board Meeting

View the Meeting Minutes

Minutes from Board meetings are not available until after the next Board Meeting. 

View the Transcript

Zoom's live Closed Captioning is more accurate than YouTube. The Zoom Closed Captioning will be displayed in the recorded meetings.

Topics Discussed in the Meeting

Beavers, Committee Reports, eVote, FEMA Grant, Goals, Mobile Way Grant, Reserve Study, Roads, Selders Causeway, Union

2024-03-21 Special Board Meeting

2024-03-21 Special Board Meeting

Important Notice - Continuation of 2024-03-16 Board Meeting

The 2024-03-16 Board Meeting was adjourned early due to technical difficulties. This Special Board Meeting was scheduled to address the remaining agenda items.

View the Meeting Minutes

Minutes from Board meetings are not available until after the next Board Meeting. 

View the Transcript

After multiple requests from CLRRA Members over the last couple of years, the Board of Directors has agreed to turn on the live Closed Captioning and Transcribing that is freely provided within Zoom meetings. As Zoom's live Closed Captioning is more accurate than YouTube, the Zoom Closed Captioning will be displayed in the recorded meetings.

Topics Discussed in the Meeting

Selders Causeway, Office Security Remodel, 2024-2025 Budget Approval, Board Member Expansion, Property Owner Forum

2024-03-16 Board Meeting

2024-03-16 Board Meeting

Important Notice - Early Adjournment Due to Technical Difficulties

There were technical difficulties at Base Camp causing intermittent connectivity issues for those at Base Camp. Due to the intermittent disruption caused by these difficulties, the Board of Directors elected to adjourn the meeting early. A Special Board Meeting will be held on 2024-03-21 at 6:00pm to address the remaining meeting items.

Important Notice - Meeting with Finance Committee

The Board of Directors held a meeting with the Finance Committee from 9am - 10am, prior to the general Board session at 10am. The Board Calendar has this time designated as Executive Session which is unavailable for Members to attend. This Board Meeting with the Finance Committee was not announced in The Weekly View and was not on the Crystal Lakes online calendar. The Board Meeting agenda did not have an agenda item for the Committee Meeting, however it was a footnote in the title of the agenda. As such, many property owners were unaware of the Finance Committee Meeting with the Board. And it was not recorded. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.

View the Meeting Minutes

Minutes from Board meetings are not available until after the next Board Meeting. 

View the Transcript

After multiple requests from CLRRA Members over the last couple of years, the Board of Directors has agreed to turn on the live Closed Captioning and Transcribing that is freely provided within Zoom meetings. As Zoom's live Closed Captioning is more accurate than YouTube, the Zoom Closed Captioning will be displayed in the recorded meetings.

Topics Discussed in the Meeting

Selders Causeway Engineer Cost, Budget, Board Candidate Meet and Greet, Ballot Box Security, Election Procedure, Fishing Fees

2024-02-17 Board Meeting

2024-02-17 Board Meeting

Important Notice - Early Adjournment

The Board Meeting was adjourned early. No agenda was provided prior to the meeting. CCIOA and our Governing Documents require that agendas be made reasonably available to all members. The Board discussed and consented that, for our community, having the agenda available in the room during the meeting did not meet the requirement for all members of the community. As such, the Board determined that no business could be conducted in the meeting. The Board elected to adjourn the meeting and change the upcoming 2024-03-07 Board Work Session at 7pm into a formal Board Meeting with the ability to vote and conduct business.

Additional Information

CLRRA Conduct of Meetings Policy
Section 3, sub-section 3.3
“Agendas for meetings of the Board shall be made reasonably available for examination by all Members of the Association or their representatives.”

Section 38-33.3-308, sub-section (2)(a)
“…Agendas for meetings of the executive board shall be made reasonably available for examination by all members of the association or their representatives.”

Altitude Community Law
"An agenda is a list of items to be considered, discussed, or decided at a meeting. The agenda is intended to give notice to the possible attendees of the issues to be discussed and voted upon at the upcoming meeting. This allows interested individuals an opportunity to attend meetings and hear and/or participate in various discussions and votes on matters of interest to them.
Agendas for meetings of the executive board are required to be made “reasonably available” for examination by all members of the association. This typically means, copies of the board meeting agendas should be brought to such meetings and provided to owners who attend."

View the Agenda

No agenda was provided for this meeting.

View the Meeting Minutes

Minutes from Board meetings are not available until after the next Board Meeting. 

View the Transcript

After multiple requests from CLRRA Members over the last couple of years, the Board of Directors has agreed to turn on the live Closed Captioning and Transcribing that is freely provided within Zoom meetings. As Zoom's live Closed Captioning is more accurate than YouTube, the Zoom Closed Captioning will be displayed in the recorded meetings.

Topics Discussed in the Meeting

Selders Causeway Update, Member Forum, Agenda, Special Assessment

2023-12-16 Board Meeting

2023-12-16 Board Meeting

Additional Information

The Property Owner Forum portion of the meeting was changed to 15 minutes total.
One property owner stated that the Board President admitted to deleting all emails from this property owner.
One property owner stated he witnessed a property owner verbally attack another property owner in a Board Meeting. And the Board did not properly address the issue which could open the Association up to future litigation.
One property owner stated that the Board allowed another owner to attack their reputation during a Board Meeting. But that owner was not allowed to respond and protect their reputation.

View the Meeting Minutes

Minutes from Board meetings are not available until after the next Board Meeting. 

View the Transcript

After multiple requests from CLRRA Members over the last couple of years, the Board of Directors has agreed to turn on the live Closed Captioning and Transcribing that is freely provided within Zoom meetings. As Zoom's live Closed Captioning is more accurate than YouTube, the Zoom Closed Captioning will be displayed in the recorded meetings.

Topics Discussed in the Meeting

Snowplow Policy, Selders Causeway

2023-05-20 Board Meeting

2023-05-20 Board Meeting

Additional Information

This video was reuploaded on 2023-05-23 in a higher resolution for better viewing

View the Meeting Minutes

Minutes from Board meetings are not available until after the next Board Meeting. 

View the Transcript

The corrected transcript is not available at this time. The automated transcript and closed captioning created by YouTube are available while watching the recording. Most of the automated transcript will be accurate. However, some pieces will have incorrect words.

Topics Discussed in the Meeting

Beaver Lake, Campground, eVote, Executive Session, Monthly Finance Report, Road Committee, Selders Causeway

2023-04-20 Special Board Meeting

2023-04-20 Special Board Meeting

View the Recording

This recording does not contain the first couple of minutes of the meeting. 

View the Transcript

The corrected transcript is not available at this time. The automated transcript and closed captioning created by YouTube are available while watching the recording. Most of the automated transcript will be accurate. However, some pieces will have incorrect words.

Topics Discussed in the Meeting

Airport, ACC, Assessments, Security, Selders Causeway